Holy Cross has a handbell choir, Joyful Sounds, which enhances worship services with the jubilant sound of music. Joyful Sounds rehearses 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. on Monday afternoons, and performs once a month for church services and also on special occasions.
Joyful Sounds is a small but powerful ensemble, but we welcome new ringers! You don’t have to be a member of Holy Cross to ring in the handbell choir. Basic music reading ability is helpful, but if you can count to six you can learn to play this beautiful instrument. Holy Cross owns four octaves of Malmark handbells and three octaves of Malmark chimes. If you have questions about the choir, or would like to join, contact Cheryl Onesky, handbell director, at ne.oh.handbells@gmail.com.
If you are an older adult or retiree looking to foster friendships and also share time for service projects, the Amazing Grays is ideal for you. The Amazing Grays meet every 4th Tuesday of the month at 12:00 noon in the church’s annex building. Parishioners from other churches in the area are also welcome to attend. The Grays invite guest speakers who deliver entertainment, Information and advice on a variety of topics, including health concerns, safety, and insurance. In December, the Amazing Grays hold a Christmas party to have fun, socialize and collect gifts for needy children. In addition, the Amazing Grays plan occasional bus trips to relax and enjoy attractions away from the city.
To participate in the Amazing Grays, you don’t have to be over 55 years old - or have gray hair - all adults are welcome!
The 80th Anniversary of Holy Cross. Wednesday 12/4/24 11 AM service.
Church Information
Sunday Service: 9 AM - traditional with communion
Office: 216-252-2348
Office Hours: M—F 12:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Email: hclutheran@sbcglobal.net
Pastor: Robert McCanless - (412) 523-6741
School Information
Office: 216-941-2770
Email: secretary@hcwpls.org.in
Principal: Mrs. Julie A. Metzger M.Ed. (admin@hcwpls.org.in)
4260 Rocky River Dr. Cleveland, Ohio 44135
Copyright © 2018 Holy Cross Church and School - All Rights Reserved.